Monday, 31 March 2014

From high street muslimah: April fools day

High street Muslimah is one of the blogs I follow that posts great islamic contents. I feel you should check the blog out, to do that click here.  Dey posted this piece this morning and I think I should share.

Against today....are you planning on: Celebrating April fool’s day?! Playing pranks?! Lying to have fun?!

You should read this first.

The Prophet ﺻﻠﻰ اﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﯿﻪ وﺳﻠﻢ said: “

He is not from us who deceives us.” [Sunan Abu Dawood (3452) and Sunan Ibn Maajah (2224) and graded as “Saheeh” by Shaikh al Albaanee]

Mu’aawiyah ibn Haydah رﺿﻲ اﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻨﻪ said:

I heard the Prophet ﻋﻠﯿﻪ وﺳﻠﻢ ﺻﻠﻰ اﻟﻠﻪ say: “Woe to the one who talks to make the people laugh and tells lies, woe to him, woe to him.” [Sunan al-Tirmidhee (2315) and Sunan Abu Dawood (4990) and graded as “Hasan” by Shaikh al-Albaanee].

Narrated `Abdullaah ibn as-Saa’ib ibn Yazeed رﺿﻲ اﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻨﻪ : The Messenger o Allaah ﻋﻠﯿﻪ وﺳﻠﻢ ﺻﻠﻰ اﻟﻠﻪ said:

“None of y should take the property of his brother in amusement (i.e. jest), nor in earnest. If anyone takes the staff of his brother, he should return it.” [Sunan Abu Dawood (5003) and graded as “Hasan” by Shaikh al-Albaanee]

Narrated `Abdul Rahmaan ibn Abu Layla: The Companions of the Prophet ﺻﻠﻰ اﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﯿﻪ وﺳﻠﻢ told us that they were travelling with the Prophet اﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﯿﻪ وﺳﻠﻢ ﺻﻠﻰ. A man among them went to sleep, and another one of them went to the rope which he had with him. He took it, by which he (the one who was sleeping) got frightened.

The Prophet ﺻﻠﻰ اﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﯿﻪ وﺳﻠﻢ said:

“It is not lawful for a Muslim that he frightens a Muslim.” [Sunan Abu Dawood (5004) and graded as “Saheeh” by Shaikh al-Albaanee]

It goes without saying then that this event of April Fools is against Islamic teachings and we should all endeavor to shun its celebration. May we be protected from the wrath of Allah and the calamity of straying from this path of Islam. Aameen.

Assalamu alkykum warahmatullah wabarakatuh.

Friday, 28 March 2014

Sardine burger

I have been  dreaming about eating burger for some weeks now so I decided to make myself one only it wont be the contemporary beef burger or something burgers they sell in eateries. I didn't have to go far in locating a burger buns there is this sweet and rich bread my school produce its popularly called "futa bread " it comes in different shapes so I bought the one made exactly like what I want.  Isn't that cute :D
Making a burger is really very simple but instead of beef and other meat used am substituting them with sardines   (let's call it student Burger).
Making a sardine Burger you will need:

1 can of Sardine
2 Burger buns
Ingridients needed

1. Slice the buns
2. Slice all vegetables
3. Drain out liquid from the sardines and remove the center bone from the fish
4. Coat buns with mayonnaise
5. place sliced cucumber,tomato and onion on one half of the bun
6. place the sardines on them and cover with the other bun
Voila your burger is ready you can serve it with any drink you want.
I personally washed mine down with a chilled sprite courtesy my roommate ^_^

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Eleven signs of love for the Beloved Prophet ( sallAllahu Alayhi wa salaam)

Someone who claims that he/she loves another will prefer that person to all others, he will also prefer what they like, if it were otherwise then he would be acting and his love would not be sincere. The following signs will be apparent in those who truly love the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi Wa salaam.

First: The first sign of love for the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, is that he/she will follow his example, apply his prophetic way in words, deeds, obedience to his commands, avoidance of whatever he prohibited and adopt his manner in times of ease, hardship, joy and disappointment. Allah says, "Say (Prophet Muhammad, 'If you love Allah, follow me and Allah will love you." [Aal Imran : 31]

Second: The second sign is that he/she will set aside his own desires and appetite in preference to the law established and encouraged by the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam. Allah says, "Those before them who had made their dwelling in the abode (City of Medina), and because of their belief love those who have emigrated to them; they do not find any (envy) in their chests for what they have been given and prefer them above themselves, even though they themselves have a need." [al Hashr : 9]

Third: The third sign is that a person's anger of others is only for the sake of seeking the pleasure of Allah. Anas, Malik's son was told by the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, "My son, if you can refrain from holding a grudge in your heart from morning to evening, then do so." He then added, "My son, that is part of my prophetic way. Whosoever revives my way has loved me, and whosoever loves me is with me in the Garden." [Sunan Tirmidh, Kitab al-Ilm, Vol. 4, Page 151]

If a person possesses this fine quality, then he/she has perfect love for Allah and His Messenger. If he is found to be slightly lacking in this quality then his love is imperfect, but not devoid of it. The proof of this is found in the saying of the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, when a person faced punishment for imbibing. As the person was about to receive his punishment a man cursed the offender, whereupon the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, said, "Do not curse him. He loves Allah and His Messenger." [Sahih Bukhari, Kitab al-Hudood, Vol. 3, Page 133]

Fourth: The fourth sign is that one mentions the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, in abundance – whosoever loves something, it is constantly upon his tongue. [Al Shifa bi Ta'reefi Huqooq al-Mustafa, Vol. 2, Page 32]

Fifth: The fifth sign is yearning to meet the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam. Every lover yearns to be with their beloved. When the tribe of Ash'arites approached Medina, they were heard chanting, "Tomorrow, we will be with those we love, Muhammad and his Companions!" [Dalail an-Nabuwwah lil Bayhaqi, Vol. 5, Page 351]

Sixth: The sixth sign is that as well as the remembrance of the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, someone who loves him will be found praising and respecting him whenever he is mentioned and display humility, and lower himself when he hears his name. We are told by Isaac At -Tujibi that after the passing of the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, whenever the Companions heard his name they became humble, their skin trembled and they wept. As for the other followers of the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, some experienced the same out of love and yearning for him, whereas others did so out of respect and esteem. [Al Shifa bi Ta'reefi Huqooq al-Mustafa, Vol. 2 page 33]

Seventh: The seventh sign is the love expressed for the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, and the People of his House, and his Companions – the Emigrants (Muhajirun) and the Helpers (Ansar) alike for his sake. A person with this sign will be found hostile to those who hate them.

Of Al Hasan and Al Hussain, may Allah be pleased with them, the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, said, "O Allah, I love them, so please love them."

Sahih Bukhari, Kitab al Manaqib, Vol. 5, Page 23 Sahih Muslim, Kitab al Fadhail, Vol. 4, Page 1883 Sunan Tirmidhi, Kitab al Manaqib, Vol. 5, Page 327

Al-Hasan said that the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, also said, "O Allah, I love him, so love the one who loves him." Of his two grandsons, the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, also said, "Whosoever loves them, loves me." Then he said. Whosoever loves me, loves Allah. Whosoever hates them hates me and whosoever hates me hates Allah."

Muqaddam Sunan Ibn Maja, Vol.1, Page 51 Majma' az-Zawaid, Vol. 9, Page 180

The Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, said, "Do not make my companions targets after me! Whosoever loves them loves them it is because they love me, and whosoever hates them it is through their hatred of me. Whosoever harms them, harms me. Whosoever does something to hurt me does it is as if it is hurtful to Allah. Whosoever does something that appears to be hurtful to Allah is about to be seized."

Sunan Tirmidhi, Kitab al Manaqib, Vol. 5, Page 358 Musnad Ahmad, Vol. 5, Page 54

Of his family, the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, said referring to Hadrat Fatima, may Allah be pleased with her, "She is part of me, whosoever hates her hates me."

Sahih al Bukhari, Kitab al Manaqib, Vol. 5, Page 24 Sahih Muslim, Kitab Fadhail as-Sahaba, Vol. 4, Page 1903

The Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, told Hadrat Ayesha to love Osama, Zaid's son because he loves him. [Sunan Tirmidhi, Kitab al-Manaqib, Vol. 5, Page 342]

The Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, spoke of the Helpers (Ansar) saying, "The sign of certain faith is love for the Ansar, whereas the sign of hypocrisy is hatred for them."

Sahih al Bukhari, Kitab al Manaqib, Vol. 5, Page 27 Sahih al Bukhari, Kitab al Iman, Vol. 1, Page 9 Sahih Muslim, Kitab al Iman, Vol. 1, Page 85

Umar's son tells us that the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, said, "Whosoever loves the Arabs loves them because he loves me. Whereas whosoever hates them hates them because of their hatred of me." [Al Shifa bi Ta'reefi Huqooq al-Mustafa, Vol 2, Page 34]

Al-Hasan, the grandson of the Prophet, may the peace of Allah be upon them, went with Jafar to Salma and asked her to prepare some food the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, used to eat. [Shamail Tirmidhi, Page 155]

Umar once saw the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, wearing a pair of yellow coloured sandals, so he too wore a pair of the same colour.

Sahih al Bukhari, Kitab al-Libas, Vol. 7, Page 132 Sahih Muslim, Kitab al-Hajj, Vol. 2, Page 844

Eighth: The eighth sign is hatred of anyone who hates Allah and His Messenger, praise and peace be upon him. Such people are those who show hostility towards to Allah and His Messenger. Believers having this sign avoid all who oppose the prophetic way, and are in opposition to those who introduce innovations into the prophetic way (that are against the spirit of Islam) and find the law he established burdensome. Allah says, "You shall find no nation believing in Allah and the Last Day loving anyone that opposes Allah and His Messenger." [al Mujadilah : 22]

Ninth: The ninth sign is found in those who love the Qur'an which the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, brought, by which the Prophet and they were guided. When asked about the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, Hadrat Ayesha, may Allah be pleased with her, said, "His character was that of the Qur'an." Part of the love of the Qur'an is listening to its recitation, acting according to it, understanding it, keeping within its bounds and the love of Prophet Muhammad's way. [Al Shifa bi Ta'reefi Huqooq al-Mustafa, Vol. 2, Page 35]

Sahl, Abdullah's son spoke of this sign saying, "The sign of loving Allah is love of the Qur'an. The sign of loving the Qur'an is the love of the Prophet. The sign of loving the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, is love of his prophetic way. The sign of loving the prophetic way is the love of the Hereafter. The sign of loving the Hereafter is hatred for this world. The sign of hatred for this world is that you do not amass any of it except for provisions and what you need to arrive safely with in the Hereafter." [Al Shifa bi Ta'reefi Huqooq al-Mustafa, Vol. 2, Page 35]

Masood's son said, "No one needs to ask himself about anything other than the Qur'an, if he loves the Qur'an then he loves Allah and His Messenger" praise and peace be upon him. [Bayhaqi fil Aadaab, Page 522]

Tenth: The tenth sign of love for the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, is to have mercy on his nation by advising them well, striving for the betterment of their interest and removing anything that is harmful from them in the same way that the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, was "gentle and merciful to the believers." [al-Taubah : 128]

Eleventh: The eleventh sign of perfect love is found in whosoever restricts himself through self-denial, preferring poverty to the attractions of the world. The Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, told Abu Sa'id Al Khudri, "Poverty for those of you who love me flows quicker than a flood from a mountain's peak to its base." [Sunan Tirmidhi, Kitab az-Zuhd, Vol. 4, Page 7]

A man came to the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, and said, "O Messenger of Allah, I love you." The Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam, warned, "Be careful of what you say." The man repeat his love for him thrice, whereupon the Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam told him, "If you love me prepare yourself quickly for poverty." [Sunan Tirmidhi, Kitab az-Zuhd, Vol. 4, Page 7]

I pray Almighty ALLAH fill our Hearts with the true and immense Love of His Beloved Habib Kareem SallAllahu Alayhi wa Aalihi wa Sallam. Keep us alive on His Sunnah and bless us with the death on Iman in the Beloved City of His Beloved Prophet SallAllahu Alayhi wa Sallam and make our Cessation with Ahl al-Baqee’ ash-Sharif… Aameen!!

Adapted from Muhammad faraaz ebrahim dawah emails.

"I killed a muslim boy " inspirational story a must read for everybody

'I killed a muslim boy' story by Fatima Asmal- story shortened.

Rehana looked up from her cup of tea, & shook her head disapprovingly.

Clad in her tightest pair of fitted blue jeans, beige clogs, & a transparent white cropped top, which barely covered her chest, let alone her tummy, Rehana thought her daughter looked…

“Disgusting.” She bit back her anger & tried to sound calm.

Tasneem shot her mother a furious look. “Who asked YOU? Why can’t you just leave me alone?”

“Tasneem, you make it seem as if I’m picking on you. But I’m not. At the end of the day my advice is only for your own... -”

“Yes, yes, for my own good – save the speech for someone else Mummy. As you might have noticed, it was lost on me yesterday & the day before & the day before, so just put a lid on it now will you?”

Rehana shook her head again, at a loss for words. She looked in her husband’s direction, pleadingly. But he sat at the table, cup of coffee in one hand, newspaper in the other, engrossed in the sports pages. Perhaps he’s pretending, she thought. Like me he’s probably fed up with the endless arguments.

“I’ll be late, have evening lectures, so don’t ring me 20 000 times, nagging me.”

“Tasneem.” Thankfully, this time, Iqbal did intervene.

Listen to your mother & sit down. Unless of course you want your car to be taken away from your for a while.”

“Okay, okay, I hear you.” Tasneem grudgingly put her bag down, & pulled a chair opposite her mother

Rehana smiled at her daughter. “I don’t mean to push you into doing anything you don’t want to do Tasneem. I’m not asking you to cover your face or anything like that. In fact, lately I haven’t even asked you to cover your hair. With the way You’ve been dressing lately, I’d be happy if you just wore longer tops & looser trousers.”

Tasneem sighed. “Look Mummy, we only live once. You had your fun –I’m not stupid. The whole family knows you & Daddy met at campus –& don’t tell me you were covering your hair then. So after having your fun, it’s very easy for you to sit back & preach to me.”

Tasneem, you are right, I only started covering my hair after you were born. And yes, I wasn’t a perfect Muslimah at campus – but don’t you see? I regret every minute of it, & that’s why I tried to encourage you to fear Allah from a tender age.”

“Fear of Allah is in the heart Mum. And you can’t judge what’s in my heart.”

Rehana nodded. “But at the same time, we have to project our fear of Allah on the outside too, Tasneem. And there’s a good reason we are instructed to dress modestly. Believe me, you do want a boy to marry you for your inner beauty not for your body.”

Tasneem laughed heartily. “Mummmm, relax. I don’t have a boyfriend, & the last thing I’m thinking of right now is marriage. I just want to have fun, okay? Love you …See you later.”

.... Rehana put her cup of tea down. Once again her daughter had totally missed the point.

Iqbal smiled at her encouragingly. “At least you tried, Ray.” He shook his head sadly. “I gave up ages ago.”

“Oh, I won’t give up. We shouldn’t ever give up.

“Tazzzzz – wow, you look fantastic…” Aaliyah greeted Tasneem at the top of her voice, as they made their way to the campus cafeteria.

Tasneem giggled with delight. “Awww thanks. You look pretty cool yourself,” she said examining her friend’s new hairdo.

“Yeah, you two look great. I stayed up all night, studying for the Ecos test, no time to dress up this morning. I feel quite left out,” moaned Ayesha

“Ooooo Tazzz, look there’s Osama, checking you out again,” Aaliyah shrieked as they seated themselves at a table.

“Aaliyah don’t!” Tasneem rolled her eyes up in disgust.

Tasneem motioned in the direction of the table alongside theirs’. A heavily-bearded student, clad in a crisp white kurtaa, sat there, his face buried in a book.

“Is his name really Osama?” Ayesha asked.

“No silly…Aaliyah just calls him that, cos he’s always dressed in that garb & doing the Jumu’ah khutbahs.”

“Oh, I won’t give up. We shouldn’t ever give up.

“Tazzzzz – wow, you look fantastic…” Aaliyah greeted Tasneem at the top of her voice, as they made their way to the campus cafeteria.

Tasneem giggled with delight. “Awww thanks. You look pretty cool yourself,” she said examining her friend’s new hairdo.

“Yeah, you two look great. I stayed up all night, studying for the Ecos test, no time to dress up this morning. I feel quite left out,” moaned Ayesha

“Ooooo Tazzz, look there’s Osama, checking you out again,” Aaliyah shrieked as they seated themselves at a table.

“Aaliyah don’t!” Tasneem rolled her eyes up in disgust.

Tasneem motioned in the direction of the table alongside theirs’. A heavily-bearded student, clad in a crisp white kurtaa, sat there, his face buried in a book.

“Is his name really Osama?” Ayesha asked.

“No silly…Aaliyah just calls him that, cos he’s always dressed in that garb & doing the Jumu’ah khutbahs.”

Aaliyah cleared her throat & waved her hand up in the air dramatically. “The temporary nature of this life… the frivolity & deception of youth… blah blah blah.”

“Lower your voices,” Ayesha said. “I’m sure he can hear us.”

“Who cares if he does? Serves him right if he does -giving us Muslims a bad name, dressing like that, & always looking at the ground when he’s walking, as if his head is paralysed or something,” Tasneem replied, deliberately craning her neck & raising her voice.

“Hey there’s someone who would look right at home, giving a Jumu’ah khutbah,” laughed Tasneem. She pointed in the direction of the entrance, where a pretty girl, clad in a long-sleeved dress,& a neatly-tied scarf, was standing.

“Who is that Daadi-ma?” laughed Aaliyah.

This time ‘Osama’ definitely heard them. He looked up at the entrance & waved, a smile lighting up his serious expression. “Apaa, over here,” he called.

“What a strange name – ‘Apaa’.”

“Tazz. It’s not her name. It’s Urdu for ‘Big sister,’” Ayesha explained.

“Oh.” Tasneem’s voice reflected her disappointment. “His sister? And here I was thinking that maybe he wasn’t such a goody-goody after all.” She grabbed Aaliyah’s arm. “Come on., .we’d better make it for the English lecture now, if we want to catch an afternoon movie.”

“ Ok.” Aaliyah followed her out of the cafeteria.

“What did you tell your Mum anyway?” Tasneem grinned.

“What else? The usual – evening lectures.”

Tasneem looked up at the sky, as she reversed out of the parking bay, It was a typically beautiful Durban day – ideal for the beach. She turned on the radio, & smiled in delight as she recognised the familiar tune of Britney Spear’s latest hit, ‘Toxic’ She didn’t see him coming.

There was a wave of white in front of her & a female screaming in the background as she slammed her foot on the breaks. It was too late.

“God, no,” Tasneem gasped, barely remembering to turn off the radio as she dragged herself out of the car. “Osama!” She was hysterical now, screaming incoherently & crying as she noticed the blood fast forming a puddle under him. “What have I done? No, no, no.” His sister was on the phone, trying to get medical assistance, her hand clutching her brother’s. “It’s my brother Sohail. We are on the main road  outside block B

Tasneem had seen someone die before. But looking at Sohail’s face, she realized that the death of that man, writhing & foaming after a drug overdose outside the night-club was very different to what she was witnessing now, Sohail’s face was serene, & he was smiling up at the sky.

“Sohail, I’m so s-orry,” she stammered. The smile didn’t leave his face.

“Love Allah Sister,” he said, in that same gentle tone which marked his khutbahs. And then without their assistance, he recited the Kalimah 3 times, & closed his eyes.

Tasneem looked up at his sister, afraid. “I’m so sorry,” she said.

“It wasn’t your fault, sister.It’s the Will of Allah Subhanuhu wa Ta’ala."

Tasneem shuddered - the last thing she would be saying was that it was ‘the Will of Allah Subhanuhu wa Ta’ala.’ With a sick feeling in her stomach she recalled her nasty words of that very morning – to her mother, to Azhar (her brother)… & worst of all – in the cafeteria: “… giving us Muslims a bad name, dressing like that, & always looking at the ground when he’s walking, as if his head is paralysed or something…”

“I’m so sorry Sohail,” she whispered again. Suddenly she felt naked. She made an attempt at pulling her flimsy top down towards her stomach, but failed miserably. Sohail’s sister, still crying, reached into her bag, and handed her a long black cardigan.

She felt empty inside – I am giving them a bad name, she thought –Mummy & Daddy & Azhar, & Sohail & his sister… & Islam.. .I am giving them a bad name…

Rehana stroked her daughter’s hair, in an attempt to soothe her. It was well past midnight, but Tasneem lay on her bed, her eyes wide open, still visibly shaken from the events of the day. Rehana thought of the many events which had shaped her own character, & she remembered with certainty that not all of them were pleasant & happy events. Yet it was these very events which had brought her to where she was today: to wearing the hijab, to enrolling for the Islamic studies course, to ُهَّللا .. .to ُهَّللا …

May ُهَّللا Bless that little boy, she thought. In a day, in one sentence, he had managed, effortlessly, to succeed where she & & her husband had not.

That evening, when Tasneem had appeared at the door, clutching the arm of a policewoman, her body wrapped in a cardigan, a scarf tied tightly around her neck, she had uttered the words which made Rehana realize the mistake she and Iqbal had been making, which made her remember how she had hated learning Qur’an as a little girl, because her madrasah teacher would hit her if she didn’t know her sabaq

“Mummy, mummy, I’m so sorry,” Tasneem had been hysterical. Holding on to Rehana, she had sobbed into her shoulder.

“Mummy, I killed a Muslim boy. I was scared. But he told me something before he died Mummy, something nobody had ever said to me before.

He said – he said, “Love Allah Sister.”

I pray Allah makes it easy for us all to love him .


Shared from Muhammad faraaz ebrahim dawah emailsTo Visit the site click here , for past emails visit  here  

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Nafs/slave of Allah

Assalamu alykum warahmatullah wabarakatuh. So there is this site i go when i want exclusive islamic informations,hadiths, lectures etc it's a dawah site which belongs to Muhammad faraaz ebrahim to go to the site click here . I pray Allah increase his imaan, accept his dawah efforts as an act of ibadah and at the end make him gain jannah.
I saw this piece on the site and i think i should share.

In the Qur'an the word nafs is used in two ways:

★•——• 1. First way that the word nafs is used is to indicate our own-self. Some people would translate it in English as self, some people would translate it in English as soul. An example of this is when Allah (لاعتَو ُهَناَحْبُس ) says in the Qur'an :

Waothkur rabbaka fee nafsika tadarruAAan wakheefatan wadoona aljahri mina alqawli bialghuduwwi waalasali wala takun mina alghafileena —••——••—Allah says:  And do thou (O reader!) bring thy Lord to remembrance in thy (very) soul, with humility and in reverence, without loudness in words, in the mornings and evenings; and be not thou of those who are unheedful. sura AL ARAF chapter 7 verse 205

★•——• 2. The second way the nafs has been used in the Qur'an ,which is quite frequent, is that the nafs is referring to a specific part of our self and it is that part of our self that has desires, appetite, some people call it ego. It has anger, it has passion, it has lust, desire, it has all these things. Some people may even call it the carnal self or the carnal soul. This nafs is not part of the Ruh ,its part of the physical human being. So if we wanted to say that we have some physical part of our creation, that is our body and our nafs and then Allah (لاعتَو ُهَناَحْبُس ) has also put inside of ourselves an inner or spiritual part of our creation, that is our ruh. This nafs is part of our physical self, even though its not part of our physical body.

Three adjectives have been used in the Qur'an to describe three different types of nafs.

—• 1. First type of nafs is known as nafs-ul-ammarah

Wama obarrio nafsee inna alnnafsa laammaratun bialssooi illa ma rahima rabbee inna rabbee ghafoorun raheemun
Three adjectives have been used in the Qur'an to describe three different types of nafs.

Allah says:  "Nor do I absolve my own self (of blame): the (human soul) certainly prone to evil, unless my Lord do bestow His Mercy: but surely my Lord is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful." sura YUSUF chapter 12 verse 53

So this refers to that nafs that is ruling over the self. This means that the nafs commands us and tells us what to do. So when the nafs has any desire, any wish, any appetite, it simply commands us, it dominates us. It is that nafs which is sovereign over a human being, it has sovereignty over us. What it means is that the nafs is sovereign over us, if it is Ammarah ,it means we are subjugated by it, we are sub-ordinate to it, we listen and follow all of its dictates and commands. So this is the first type of nafs and the sign that a person has this type of nafs is that they sin wantingly, blatantly, remorselessly, in any way that they ever want.

And if you think about it, in many places in the west, this concept is actually glorified because people say you should do whatever makes you happy, do whatever pleases you, do whatever your heart desires. They may glamorize that by saying that it’s the heart but actually there are many people, whether in east or west, even muslims now, that are doing what our passion desires. So that means that we have a nafs-ul-ammarah .

—• 2. Second type of nafs is known as nafs-ul-lawwamah

Lawwamah, lawwam, it’s the same type of word as ammar and Allah (swt) has mentioned this in Qur'an :

Wala oqsimu bialnnafsi allawwamati —••——••—Allah says:  And I do call to witness the self-reproaching spirit; (Eschew Evil). sura AL QIYAMAH chapter 75 verse 2
Lawwam here means to self incriminate, to self reproach, to have blame, to do mulamat of oneself. So, this is that nafs that does sometimes bring a person to do sin, but then that nafs self incriminates itself, it reproaches itself, it feels bad, it feels guilty. Lets put it that way, it feels guilty. And then this guilt is supposed to increase so much so then the person leaves those sins because they feel so guilty about them. So, the sign of this is precisely that that the person has such a nafs that when they commit a sin they feel remorse, regret, they feel guilt, they feel shame, they feel embarrassment, they wish they could take it back, they wish they never did it, they may even intend at that moment never to do that again. So, they are fighting a battle with their nafs . Sometimes they make sin and sometimes they are able to stay away from sin.

—• 3. Third type of nafs is known as nafs-ul-mutmainnah

Ya ayyatuha alnnafsu almutmainnatu IrjiAAee ila rabbiki radiyatan mardiyyatan
Allah says:  (To the righteous soul will be said:) "O (thou) soul, in (complete) rest and satisfaction! "Come back thou to thy Lord well pleased (thyself), and well-pleasing unto Him! sura AL FAJR chapter 89 verse 27-28

So, Allah (لاعتَو ُهَناَحْبُس ) addresses the mutma’in nafs . And mutma’in here means two things.

a) Number one is that they are mutma’in, they are content with the hukm of لَجَوَّزَع ُهَّللَا ,there is nothing else that makes them happy. So, this person is also doing what makes them happy. But this person has been molded and trained and disciplined it in such a way, that the only thing that makes it happy, that gives it solace, the only thing that it is mutma’in on, that it is content with, is what Allah (swt) is please with, what لَجَوَّزَع ُهَّللَا is content with. So, it’s heart’s content lies in that which Allah Ta’ala is happy and pleased with.

b) Second meaning of mutma’in is that has reached a state of serenity. The serene, contented, tranquility, at peace nafs. And obviously, the peace here means that it has aman, itminan from doing sin and also aman and itminan from desiring sin. It has no unlawful desires. It has desires, that is what the nafs does, but it only desires good things. The sign of this is exactly what we just mentioned that this person, not only do they not do sin, they no longer desire sin. That faculty, that part of their humanity that desires, only and only desires things that لَجَوَّزَع ُهَّللَا views as desirable and has stopped desiring those things that Allah Ta’ala has labeled as undesirable.

And had preferred the life of this world, The Abode will be Hell-Fire; And for such as had entertained the fear of standing before their Lord's (tribunal) and had restrained (their) soul from lower Desires, Their Abode will be the Garden.

Short Story

There was once snake catcher who once went to the mountains. Due to the winter cold and heavy snow, many very big snakes lay motionless, as if they were dead.

The Snake Catcher picked up one of these seemingly lifeless snakes and took it to Baghdad, with the purpose of using it for a show. Showing it off, he made big claims as to how he had brilliantly captured the snake.

However, when the sun began to shine and its warmth cloaked the snake, the coldness in its body disappeared. The signs of life were soon apparent and when the snake began to move, the Snake Catcher and all those around, fled.

Moral of the Story: Our Nafs (self) is like that Snake. With Tazkyia (purification), Mushaqqat (effort), our Nafs becomes frozen. It appears to be dead. But give it a little heat from the fire of sin and it will bite again. A little exposure to some past sins and the Nafs swings back to life.

We should not think that we have killed our Nafs and thus become unmindful. Yes, with some Mujahadah (striving), Suhbat (company) of the Sheikh, Tilawat (recitation) of the Noble Qur'an, Dikrullah, following Deen and Shariah and in building up that contact and love for Allah Ta'ala and Rasulullah (sallAllahu alayhi wasallam), and the Nafs can be frozen. However, a little taste of sin revives the evil Nafs

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